Flight Training

Altitude Flight Training

At Altitude Flight Training, we offer exceptional flight training to aspiring pilots, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to navigate the skies safely. Altitude Flight Training also offers Discovery Flights, which are perfect for those who are interested in flying but unsure if it's for them.

Our pilots also participate in the EAA Young Eagles Program, offering free flights for kids ages 8-17 - the only program of its kind, with the sole mission to introduce and inspire kids to the world of aviation.

What we do

Altitude Flight Training offers a full range of flight training experiences, including Private Pilot Certification, Instrument and Commercial instruction, and bi-annual flight reviews.

Our instructors

Our flight crew are passionate aviators who regularly fly long cross-country trips in pursuit of their adventures. They are seasoned veterans anxious to pass on their passion to you in a professional and fun atmosphere.

Our plane

Altitude Flight Training operates a single-engine Piper Cherokee PA-28 equipped with a full suite of Garmin instruments, including G5 primary flight displays and a GFC500 Autopilot.